Android 101 Coaching Package

Turn Your Android App Ideas into Reality with Guided Consulting

Are you a startup, an entrepreneur, or a small business stepping into the mobile application market? Gain from 4 hours of in-depth consulting with our team of experts at a discounted price of $199, saving over 60% off our standard hourly rate. We'll guide you through every phase of mobile app development, providing insights tailored to your specific needs and helping you make the most informed decisions. Your app success begins here!

Apple logo in dark colorAndroid logo in black color
Purple and orange development icon

Customized Consulting

From app design and technology selection to launch strategies and maintenance planning - get insights tailored to your unique needs. Our experts will adjust the focus of the consulting based on your project requirements.

Purple and orange maintenance icon

Schedule at Your Convenience

Spread your 4-hour consulting package over a few weeks as per your needs. We suggest 1 or 2 hours per week for optimal efficiency and results.

small logo with purple and orange oblong shape with a transparent background

Tangible Deliverables

Outcomes can range from a conversational consultation addressing your concerns to as detailed as a full development plan, prototype document, or a technology requirements document - all based on your individual needs.

We are flexible and happy to provide customized support.

Don't just dream about your app - make it a reality. Begin your journey with our Mobile 101 Coaching Package and turn your app vision into a successful venture!

Let’s start a project together.

heading icon with orange circle and white arrow with a circle on its endtwo slanted underlines in orange color
Current budget for project
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